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Chicago Union Cares was pleased to sponsor a youth team at the Lounge of Lizards tournament this past weekend at the Milwaukee Yard Indoor Sports Complex. The event was a USA Ultimate fundraiser in partnership with the Tosa East Nonbinary & Girls Ultimate (TENGU) team.

The CUC team consisted of high school students from three cities who had not played together before. Lane Tech HS (Chicago), Evanston Township HS (Evanston), and Middleton HS (Middleton, WI) were all represented under the team name “Stetleson.” There’s a bit of an inside story to the team name that will stay off-record, but the players embraced the name and ran with it! In the true spirit of ultimate, this enthusiastic group from different neighborhoods and backgrounds came together as a team to compete and improve against some excellent opponents.

After each of the five games that day, Stetleson gave spirit awards to players on the opposing team. They also had a chance to meet up with some adult Chicago athletes playing in the tourney. While they played against each other in the first half, they got the opportunity to mix teams and play with the adults in the second half. A great time was had by all, and everyone went home tired but happy.

Congratulations to every player! Thanks to the parents, caregivers, and fans who supported the team. Kudos to USA Ultimate and TENGU for a fantastic event.


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