welcome to the bloc

We’re jazzed about our partnership with The Bloc, an incredible non-profit organization that helps underprivileged children learn boxing skills and gives them a place to be themselves.  Located on Chicago’s West Side, The Bloc gives back in a big way to youth and the community. 

Why is a group focused on boxing, and another focused on ultimate, hanging out? Because it’s about more than boxing and more than ultimate: it’s about cultivating a love of sport to help youth rise.

Among their offerings, The Bloc has an after-school program that runs four weekdays and Saturdays. Students ages 8 to 18 meet for boxing, homework, and enrichment electives. They have experienced counselors and coaches to provide the support that children need. Starting this spring, one of their electives will be ultimate frisbee, and I’ll be teaching that class. The CUC program at The Bloc will run for 11 weeks, and then we will sponsor those kids at an ultimate tournament.

I know this is going to be epic, because I have gone in twice as a guest coach. The minute I walk into The Bloc, it feels like there’s electricity in the air – the energy from being active, the buzz of excitement from challenging oneself and bringing up others. Sabrina, Juli, and Jamyle, thanks for this great partnership!


hot off the Press!


this is what it’s all about